Sr.No |
Project No. |
Project Title |
Agency |
1 |
S-37 / P-63 |
Technology Development for Holistic Utilization of Red Mud for Extraction of Metallic Value & Residue Utilization |
[NML, Jamshedpur, IMMT, Bhubaneshwar, JNARDDC, Nagpur, NALCO, HINDALCO & VEDANTA] under aegis of NITI Aayog |
2 |
S-38 |
Red mud valorization to achieve zero waste, conversion of residue into diagnostic x-ray shielding tiles after recovery of scandium |
(with CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal) : S&T (Mines) |
3 |
S-39 |
Development of medium strength Al-Mg-Si (AA6082 based) alloy for high end strategic applications (extruded or drawn tubes) |
with IIT Gandhinagar : S&T (Mines) |
4 |
S-42 |
Fabrication of Al2O3 containing cellulose based Ag NPs encapsulated collagen dressing and investigation of its therapeutic opportunities in diabetic wound healing. |
(With Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology, Bhubaneshwar and JNARDDC) S&T(Mines) |
5 |
S-46 |
Development of low cost filler material utilizing Lithomargic clay for paint industry as per IS 68 2006 standard : |
S&T (Mines)(Industry partner: Mundle Paint and Chemicals, Bhandara) |
6 |
S-47 |
Development of prototype aluminium seat frame for passenger buses: |
(with Automotive Research Association of India) S&T (Mines) |
7 |
S-48 |
Process for production of ATH with high whiteness using non-metallurgical grade bauxite by following soda sintering process: |
S&T(Mines) (With Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) Mumbai Indian Oil Campus Bhubaneswar and Industry Partner : NIKNAM Chemicals PVT. Ltd) |
8 |
S-49 |
An optimal approach for the retrieval of value-added substances from secondary aluminum black dross : |
S&T(Mines) Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore & Industry Partner : Phoenix Alloys |
9 |
N-48 |
Development of DC cast Al Alloy for Yoke in automobile applications |
NALCO Bhubaneshwar (Jointly with ARAI Pune) |
10 |
N-50 |
N-50 Kinetic study of different unit operations like digestion, desilication |
11 |
N-51 |
N-51 Detailed Thermal / Heat Balance Study of the Cast House Furnaces to Increase Furnace Efficiency |
12 |
P-65 |
Recycling Coal Mine Overburden to Reuse as a Value-Added Building Material to Promote a Circular Economy, |
Ministry of Coal (with VNIT, Nagpur, BIT Mesra and CMPDIL, Dhanbad ) |
13 |
P-66 |
Utilization of aluminium dross in synthetic slag preparation for secondary steel making” with suitable funding agencies. |
Daiki Aluminium Industry India Pvt. Ltd, Sricity, AP |
14 |
P-67 |
Coal mine overburden alkali-activtated composites (CMOAAC) for pre-fabricated 3D volumetric construction elements & system thereof (3DVCES) |
Ministry of Coal (with CPMDIL, IIT-BHU & VNIT, Nagpur) |