परियोजनाएं पुरालेख

Center has Successfully completed several major projects for Ministry of Mines and the Indian Aluminium and other industries

  • S-1 Bauxite Technical Data and Information Bank (Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra) Phase-I [1996-97]
  • S-2 Improvement of Digestion efficiency of east coast bauxite and enhancement of liquor productivity [1999-2000]
  • S-3 De-ironing of Eastern Ghats Bauxite [1999-2000]
  • S-4 Extraction, Characterization and Removal / Control of organic impurities in Bayer process [2000-01]
  • S-5 Compilation of Bauxite Technical Data Bank (Gujarat, Jharkhand and Eastern Ghats) Phase-II [2001-02]
  • S-6 Development of rapid analytical procedures for bauxite and semi-quantitative analysis of scrap aluminium [2003-04]
  • S-7 Development of an Expert System for Aluminium Electrolysis Cell. [2003-04]
  • S-8 Bauxite Technical Data Bank Phase-III, Western Ghat Deposits 14.80 + 14.50 by DST [2008-09]
  • S-9 Simulation and die design for complex Aluminium Extruded profiles [2008-09]
  • S-10 Development of rapid analytical procedures for Nickel, Chromium and Cobalt. [2010-11]
  • S-11 Preparation and Certification of Aluminium Alloys Reference Materials [2008-09]
  • S-12 Development of Friction Stir Welding Technique for Aluminium-Steel Joint. 45 + 70 by DST [2009-10]
  • S-13 Process development for production of low soda (Na2O) hydrate in bayer circuit. [2012-13]
  • S-14 Development of Mathematical Modeling using fuzzy logic to control superheat of aluminium Electrolysis bath. [2011-12]
  • S-15 Development of portable analytical kit for field analysis of bauxite: Emphasis on in-situ micro-analysis of mineral entities for mineral prospecting [2012-13]
  • S-16 Upgradation & utilisation of laterite of East- and West Coast deposits [2012-13]
  • S-17 Development of a real time instruments/system to measure bath ratio, alumina concentration and superheat of the aluminium electrolysis bath. [ 2013-14]
  • S-18 Development of Super Thermal Aluminium (STAL) conductor for Indian Power sector jointly with NFTDC, Hyderabad [ 2013-14]
  • S-19 SSAG Development of hard and high temperature refractory material/ aggregate from Saprolite [ 2014-15]
  • S-20 SSAG Integrated approach for development of process models and pilot production of aluminium alloy extrudates using porthole dies [ 2014-15]
  • S-21 Synergistic utilization of aluminium industrial wastes for development of geopolymeric building materials. S&T Mines &Swarnalata Holdings, Raipur[2015-16]
  • S-22 Developing downstream application of strip cast aluminium alloys (AA8011 and AA3004) with VNIT, Nagpur. S&T, Ministry of Mines & NALCO [2015-16]
  • S-23 Large scale digital database creation of bauxite and laterite deposits of Maharashtra State using Geo-informatics technology :S&T Mines (jointly with Maharashtra Remote Sensing Application Centre, and GSTI, Nagpur [ 2016-17]
  • S-24 Effect of modified seed properties in precipitation of aluminium hydroxide from Bayer liquorS&T Mines [ 2016-17]
  • S-25 Nano Processing of Industrial Rejects for use as additives in Mixdesigns for improved pozzolanic reaction efficiency.(S&T Mines)
  • S-27 Estimation of Morphodynamicity and its remedial action using Red-mud based concrete at coastal zone of Eastern Odisha S&T Mines andIIT, Bhunabeswar . [2018-19]
  • S-28 Status report on work carried out nationally and internationally on Red Mud to benchmark future investigation in the country (S&T Mines)[2018-19]

Center has Successfully completed industries and Other Projects

  • 1. Technological evaluation of Kuturmali bauxite(L & T, Mumbai) [1994-95]
  • 2. Characterisation & technological evaluation of Rajnandgaon bauxite (BALCO, Korba) [1995-96]
  • 3. Technological evaluation of various bauxite sources including Mainpat bauxite (BALCO, Korba), [1995-96 ]
  • 4. Technological evaluation of Samripat bauxite,(HINDALCO, Renukoot) [1995-96]
  • 5. Energy Audit of Alumina Plant at BALCO, Korba [1994]
  • 6. Energy audit of melting furnaces at pennar Aluminium Company, Mouda, (Pennar Aluminium Company, Mouda) [1994]
  • 7. Electrical, Thermal and Magnetic measurements at INDAL [1995]
  • 8. Energy Auditing of Balco Alumina Plant and Foundry Shop, (BALCO, Korba) [1995-96]
  • 9. Electrical, Thermal and Magnetic measurements at BALCO , Korba [1996]
  • 10. Characterisation and utilization of NALCO Spent Pot Lining(NALCO) [ 1997]
  • 11. Suitability of alternate sources of aluminium fluoride for BALCO korba smelter (BALCO, korba) [1998]
  • 12. Electrical, Thermal and Magnetic measurements at NALCO, (NALCO, Angul) [ 1998]
  • 13. Analysis of performance of BALCO smelter (BALCO, Korba) [1998]
  • 14. Development of guidelines for disposal & utilization of red mud for Aluminium industry, (CPCB, Delhi) [1996-97]
  • 15. Joint monitoring of Alumina plant process to establish weak links for achieving production of 1,93,000 tpa, (BALCO, Korba) [1996-97]
  • 16. Evaluation and beneficiation of Low Grade Bauxite of Gujarat, (GMDC Ahmedabad) [1996-97]
  • 17. Preliminary Evaluation and Technological testing of Kodingamali bauxite, (HINDALCO, Renukoot) [1997-98] months
  • 18. Estimation of model parameters for validation of precipitation mathematical model, (EIL, New Delhi) [1997-98]
  • 19. Digestion & settling study of various proportion of Mainpat bauxite with other sources, (BALCO, Korba) [1997-98]
  • 20. Characterisation & technological testing of MALCO process bauxite at different parameters for expansion plan. (MALCO, Metrudam/ Mecon) [1998-99]
  • 21. Prediction of cell life for NALCO (Nalco, Angul) [1998]
  • 22. Characterisation of Metallurgical grade C. P coke (RDCIS Ranchi) [1999]
  • 23. Study on modernization of BALCO alumina plant, (BALCO, Korba) [1999-2000]
  • 24. Precipitation study with CGM & Monitoring of plant scale trial of synthetic flocculant . (BALCO, Korba) [2000-01]
  • 25. Characterisation & technological assessment of Maharashtra & Gujarat bauxites including large scale alumina testing.(Ashapura Minechem, Mumbai) [2001-2002]
  • 26. Recycling of industrial wastes into Glass Ceramic Products(Building materials and Technology Promotion Council, New Delhi) [2001]
  • 27. Modernisation of BALCO smelter (Balco, Korba), [2001]
  • 28. Suitability of aluminium fluoride from different sources (NALCO Angul) [2002]
  • 29. Magnetic and Thermal measurements on Electrolysis cells for Hindalco, Renukoot [2002]
  • 30. Double Digestion Study of Lohardaga bauxite (INDAL, Muri) [2002-03]
  • 31. Desilication and digestion study of Mainpat bauxite at various parameters for expansion of alumina production capacity (BALCO, Korba) [2002-03]
  • 32. Technical suitability of Gujarat bauxites for alumina production (Ashapura Minechem) [2002-03]
  • 33. Studies on extraction of alumina from last washer mud (NALCO, Damanjodi) [2002-03]
  • 34. Electrical, Thermal and Magnetic measurements at BALCO, Korba [2003]
  • 35. Electrical, Thermal and Magnetic measurements at MALCO, Tamil Nadu [2004]
  • 36. Desilication and digestion study of MALCO bauxite at various parameters for reduction of silica in alumina product. (MALCO, Metrudam) [2003-04]
  • 37. Characterisation and technological testing of Lanjigarh bauxite (Vedanta Alumina Ltd. Mumbai) [2003-04]
  • 38. Study for Production of sodium aluminate liquor from bauxite for zeolite manufacturing. (R.J. Associate, Mumbai) [2004-05]
  • 39. Characterisation and technological study of Gujarat bauxite for setting up an alumina plant in Kutch (Gujarat) (Ashapura Minechem, Mumbai) [2005-06]
  • 40. Characterisation and technological testing of bauxite samples(Vedanta Alumina & Utkal Alumina) [2006-07]
  • 41. Development of integrated Technology for Processing of East Coast Bauxite for production of alumina (NALCO) [2004-05]
  • 42. Study on impurity buildup during bauxite process and its effects on Bayer liquor chemistry (NALCO) [2004-05]
  • 43. Ultrasonic treatment of Spent Pot Lining (NALCO) [2004-05]
  • 44. Evaluation of grain refining efficiency of commercially available grain refiners (NALCO) [2004-05]
  • 45. Electrical Thermal & Magnetic measurements (MALCO) [2004-05]
  • 46. Predictive Maintenance program at South Asia Gateway Terminal SAGT, Colombo, Sri Lanka [2005-06]
  • 47. Characterization and Technological Testing of Gujarat Bauxite Samples, (M/s. Ashapura Mine Chem. Ltd.) [2005-06]
  • 48. Fundamental research on goethite related issues and to study the effect of various species on Bayer process. (ABMCL, HINDALCO) [2005-06]
  • 49. Characterisation and Technological testing of bauxite sample. (JSW, Aluminium, Mumbai) [2006-07]
  • 50. Development of process for extraction of vanadium sludge from NALCO green liquor (NALCO) [2006-07]
  • 51. Development of Certified Reference Materials for selected Indian Ore (NALCO) [2006-07]
  • 52. Project on Condition monitoring using Infrared Thermography (Aquaba Container Terminal, Jordan) [2007-08]
  • 53. Infrared Thermography study for predictive maintenance at alumina refinery (NALCO Damanjodi) [2007-08]
  • 54. Technological Testing of Jerrila Bauxite (Andhra Pradesh)ANRAKAL, UAE [2008-09]
  • 55. Beneficiation of low grade bauxite/laterite of Subarkantha deposit in Gujarat (GMDC, Ahmedabad) [2008-09]
  • 56. Development of a probe for Liquidus Temperature Determination of Electrolysis Bath (NALCO) [2008-09]
  • 57. Characterization of various strip casting defects for strip cast aluminium alloys on lab. Scale. (NALCO) [2008-09]
  • 58. Preparation of low ferric alum from low grade aluminium dross on lab. Scale. (NALCO) [2008-09]
  • 59. Management of bauxite residue (AP-7 Red mud project ) (NALCO) a) Bench scale studies for Development of Glass Ceramics & b) Development of light weight aggregates- Foam Products. [2009-10]
  • 60. Techniques and tools for PFC measurements in aluminium electrolysis cells on lab. Scale. (NALCO) [2009-10]
  • 61. Development of high speed extrusion alloys for the Indian Aluminium Industry (NALCO) [2009-10]
  • 62. Study of effect of alumina quality on solubility in Electrolytic bath on lab. scale (NALCO) [2009-10]
  • 63. Infrared Thermography studies at Alumina Plant (NALCO) [2009-10]
  • 64. Estimation of scaling heights in Alumina Plant Precipitators (NALCO) [2009-10]
  • 65. Pilot scale development of process technology for manufacturing of constructional blocks / bricks and artificial ceramic stone chips utilising red mud (NALCO & MRCPL) [2009-10]
  • 66. Study of heat treatment process for destruction of toxic cyanide present in Spent Pot Lining (SPL) of NALCO on lab. scale. (NALCO) [2009-10]
  • 67. Extraction of alumina from PLK (NALCO) [2009-10]
  • 68. Infrared Thermography studies at Alumina Plant (NALCO) [2011-12]
  • 69. Indigenization and development of wrought Aluminium Alloys for Indian Defence. (DRDO/ DMRL, Hyderabad) [2011-12]
  • 70. Assessment of billet quality for DC cast AA6063 alloys (NALCO) [2011-12]
  • 71. Double digestion studies of Vedanta bauxite (VEDANTA) [ 2012-13]
  • 72. Detail study in Melt loss generation and derive solutions for reduction in Melt loss. NALCO) [2012-13]
  • 73. Beneficiation of low grade bauxite / laterite of Kutch & Sarushtra deposit, Gujarat, (GMDC Ahmedabad) [2012-13].
  • 74. PFC measurements in aluminium electrolysis cells on lab. Scale NALCO, Angul [2012-13]
  • 75. Pre-feasibility detailed studies for setting up of 18,000 MT / Annum of special alumina plant at Cuddalore (Tamil Nadu) Aria Chemicals Private Limited [2012-13]
  • 76. Bench Scale Studies for Treatment and Utilization of Carbon Portion of Aluminium Spent Pot-Liner (SPL): Recovery of Carbon, Sodium and Fluorine Values (NALCO) [2013-14]
  • 77. Caustic soda consumption audit for NALCO alumina refinery, (NALCO, Damanjodi) [ 2013-14]
  • 78. Characterization and technological testing of Gujarat bauxite for (NALCO Gujarat Plant) [ 2013-14]
  • 79. Analysis of impurities (Fe, Si, Ca etc.) in alumina and aluminate liquor using hand held spectrometer , (NALCO) [ 2013-14]
  • 80. Study on scale formation in precipitation tank based on the operating parameters to optimize the uptime of tanks at Alumina Refinery plant, (NALCO, Damanjodi) [ 2013-14]
  • 81. Infrared thermography studies for 132 KV towers from Jaynagar to Damanjodi, (NALCO, Damanjodi) [ 2013-14]
  • 82. Infrared thermography studies at alumina plant 2014 (NALCO, Damanjodi) [ 2013-14]
  • 83. Development of Ceramic Proppant form PLK and Fly Ash at Laboratory Scale , NALCO [ 2014-15 ]
  • 84. Development of a suitable process for conversion of waste aluminium dross into value added product SESA STERLITE, Jharsuguda, Odisha [ 2014-15 ]
  • 85. Development of a process for detoxification of SPL 1st cut for recovery of mineral values (Carbon, Soda etc) SESA STERLITE, Jharsuguda, Odisha [ 2014-15 ]
  • 86. Evaluation of grain refining efficiency of TiBAL, MINEX Metallurgical Co. Ltd. Nagpur [ 2014-15 ]
  • 87. Setting up of Mini-pilot plant for red mud based light weight foamed bricks at NALCO (NRTC), Bhunbaneswar [2014-15]
  • 88. Reduction of melt loss in foundry & cast houses BALCO, Korba [ 2015-16 ]
  • 89. Characterization and Technological Testing of Kutrumali and Sijimali bauxite in Odisha, Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Mumbai [ 2015-16 ]
  • 90. Beneficiation of low grade bauxite at Kawardha & Manipat Mines [2016-17] BALCO, Korba
  • 91. Optimisation of parameter for ultrasound precipitation of alumina liquor with emphasis on production of special fine hydrate and increasing liquor productivity [2015-16] 12mts
  • 92. Mechanical activation of bauxite followed by technological studies[2016-17] 24mts NALCO
  • 93. Studies on trace impurities, it’s behavior & control in Bayer’s process with respect to reduction in product hydrate [2016-17] 24mts NALCO
  • 94. P-55 Utilization and development of process for recovery of strategic rare earths from industrial waste –Bauxite Residue at lab scale, Ministry of Science and Technology (DST) [2016-17] (36 mts)
  • 95. P-56 : Characterization study and technical assessment of raw materials & related products. Hi-Tech Metafluxes, Raipur [2017-18] (4 mts)
  • 96. P-57 : Supply of Equipment for online bath measurement. HINDALCO, Hirakud[2018-19] (3 mts)
  • 97. P-58 : Technological characterization of Bauxite sample for establishing the mass balance of the process design of the expansion study at Vedanta Ltd, Lanjigarh, Kalahandi, Odisha.VEDANTA
  • 98. (P-59)Technical feasibility study for extraction of alumina as Al F3 from low grade bauxite (IBAAS, Nagpur)
  • 99. (P-60) Development of a process technology (at lab scale) for low costproduction of 3N (99.9%) pure alumina (Ministry of Science and Technology -DST)
  • 100. N-42 “Utilization of PLK (Partially Lateritised Khondalite) as a potential and value added filler material with specific reference to white ceramics and pigments” NALCO, Bhubaneswar (Joint project with CV Raman College of Engineering, Bhubaneswar) [2016-17] 33 mts
  • 101. N-43 Development of inline automated anode butt monitoring system to measure anode butt parameters ( NALCO, Bhubaneswar )
  • 102. N-44 Development of Wi-Fi enabled sensor arrangement for online measurement of anode current distribution of aluminium electrolysis cell ( NALCO, Bhubaneswar )
  • 103. N-45 Development of ceramic proppant from low grade materials (Partially LateritisedKhondalite -PLK, Fly ash, etc.) - Phase-II-Scale up studies ( NALCO, Bhubaneswar )
  • 104. N-46 :An innovative and viable process for recovery of iron values from red mud and processing of non-iron material for developing value added products – Complete Utilisation of red mud”. NALCO
  • 105. S-26 : Fabrication of Advanced Ceramic Nanocoatings for Automotive Applications S&T Mines and Christ University.
  • 106. S-29 : Techno-economic Survey of Aluminium Scrap Recycling in India(S&T Mines)
  • 107. S-30 : To study the fire retardancy of nano-ATH in polymers with CIPET
  • 108. S-32 : Optimization of digestion efficiency in Bayer process by ascertaining the ideal size fraction of bauxite feed. S&T (Mines)